Below we are listing donations from our community that have enabled us to print our book. We are grateful for all our donations and offers of help and will record them here. We're happy to include a link to your website too.

Balsham holds a famous Plough Monday celebration each January, the poor ploughboys collect money for village charities with an ancient plough. Our group received £250 from the event. 

We have received donations of £100, £500 and £4,000 from local residents who wish to remain anon.

A Treasure Hunt at the Balsham Feast raised £75 and we've also raised £100 of donations through our own contributions to the event. 

We also raised £400 at our Spring exhibition in 2014.

We thank the family of the late Jim Potter for the history of the Balsham Maze


Links to our supporters 

Balsham map thanks.png